DUI Education ● Driving With Care™ Courses
Aiming to provide a deeper understanding of the effects of driving under the influence, Driving with Care™ courses are often court ordered following a driving while impaired citation. This is a comprehensive course that includes education on: alcohol education, BAC levels, MN state laws, alcohol consumption patterns, and techniques to reduce the risk of reoffending. Made for both those are planning to continue using and those that are moving towards complete sobriety, the course shapes itself around different types of recovery, and what works for you.
Driving With Care™ includes three different levels for treatment programs:
Level 1 Education
a six lesson, 12-hour DUI education program. The program is designed for people who do not have a history of diagnosed alcohol- or drug-disorders. The central purposes of this education are to prevent re-arrest and to prevent future alcohol and other drug related issues by providing alcohol awareness education. Level 1 Education includes one 2 hour lesson per week for six weeks. Cost $235
Level 2 Education
a twelve lesson, 24-hour DUI education course. This program expands upon the foundational information offered in level one education and is more intensive. An added component is several hours dedicated to helping repeat DUI / DWI offenders reduce the risk of falling back into problematic drinking. Level 2 Education includes two 2 hour lessons per week for six weeks. Cost $375
Level 2 Therapy
It is designed for DUI clients who have been diagnosed as substance dependent or with higher levels of alcohol or drug misuse and psychosocial problems related to their misuse who are in need of treatment. The intervention is therefore longer in nature and has several levels of care. Level 2 Education is a prerequisite or is delivered in conjunction to Level 2 Therapy. Level 2 Therapy consists of two 2 hour group sessions and one 1 hour individual session per week. There are 4 lengths to the Level 2 Program.
Track A is a 55 hour program over 11 weeks or 3 months.
Track B is a 80 hour program over 16 weeks or 4 months.
Track C is a 100 hour program over 20 weeks or 5 months.
Track D is a 120 hour program over 24 weeks or 6 months.